Busting Boob Myths

Pun intended? Yes! I am tired of seeing so much crap about increasing bust size both online and offline. Once and for all, I am going to bust all the myths about growing your boobs. If you have ever bought in to these lies, it’s time you see the true picture.

Here are four myths that some people have bought in to:

1. My breasts cannot grow anymore after puberty

Your height may stop increasing but other parts of your body like your hair and nails continue to grow. When it comes to your breasts, it is important to understand what makes your breasts grow. When you give your breasts what it needs to grow, then they will grow even after puberty.

Your breasts grow as a result of two primary factors – hormonal balance and nutrition. The most important hormone to enhance breast growth is estrogen. The fact that a girl’s body starts to produce estrogen during puberty is the reason why her breasts first start to grow at that stage. In terms of nutrition, the most important practice is to consume a protein-rich diet as proteins are required to produce the fat cells that make up your breasts.

Thus by implementing these and a few other simple techniques, your breasts can grow.

2. Exercise can make my breasts grow

This is another fallacy that has made exercise programs become increasingly popular. Your breasts are made up of milk ducts and glands, connective and fat tissue. All these cannot grow through exercise. Some women’s breasts appear larger after an exercise regime because the pectoral muscles underneath the breasts have grown or become firmer. Thus, these muscles lift the breasts and make them appear larger.
Real breast growth comes through other means, not exercise, although as I mentioned, exercise can enlarge the muscles underneath.

3. Breast augmentation surgery is the only certain way to make my breasts grow

Those who go for breast enlargement surgery want a quick fix. If that’s all you want, then go ahead. But most women I know prefer to make our breasts grow naturally. It has become public knowledge that breast enlargement surgery can go dreadfully wrong. Furthermore, as in the case of some celebrity film stars who have had breast augmentation surgery, silicone leaks are known to happen in some cases after time.

Sure, natural breast growth takes a longer time, but I wouldn’t want to endanger my own health and breasts, would you?

4. My breast size depends on my genes

This final fallacy is only partially true. As I mentioned above, other factors come into play to determine breast growth and therefore, breast size. In fact, when hormonal balance and proper nutrition is enhanced with other techniques such as massage and mindset control, it is almost certain you can make your breasts grow naturally.

One of the best programs I’ve encountered that embody all the factors needed to make your breasts grow is found in Nancy Newton’s e-book, “How I Made My Breasts Grow Bigger Naturally”. It is found at her website, www.grow-bigger-breasts-naturally.com. Nancy’s methods give you more than what other treatments offer. This is because her techniques involve not just the body but also the mind and emotions.

Nancy’s book has received rave reviews because her methods have worked for many women. Read all about it at http://www.grow-bigger-breasts-naturally.com

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